A Better Developer Experience
A TypeScript Starter Kit that will help you bootstrap your next project without minimal opinion.
This is an opinionated TypeScript Starter kit to help kick-start development of your next Bun package.
Get Started
It's rather simple to get your package development started:
# you may use this GitHub template or the following command:
bunx degit stacksjs/ts-starter my-pkg
cd my-pkg
bun i # install all deps
bun run build # builds the library for production-ready use
# after you have successfully committed, you may create a "release"
bun run release # automates git commits, versioning, and changelog generations
Check out the package.json scripts for more commands.
Developer Experience (DX)
This Starter Kit comes pre-configured with the following:
- Powerful Build Process - via Bun
- Fully Typed APIs - via TypeScript
- Documentation-ready - via VitePress
- CLI & Binary - via Bun & CAC
- Be a Good Commitizen - pre-configured Commitizen & git-cz setup to simplify semantic git commits, versioning, and changelog generations
- Built With Testing In Mind - pre-configured unit-testing powered by Bun
- Renovate - optimized & automated PR dependency updates
- ESLint - for code linting (and formatting)
- GitHub Actions - runs your CI (fixes code style issues, tags releases & creates its changelogs, runs the test suite, etc.)
Please see our releases page for more information on what has changed recently.
Please review the Contributing Guide for details.
For help, discussion about best practices, or any other conversation that would benefit from being searchable:
For casual chit-chat with others using this package:
Join the Stacks Discord Server
Two things are true: Stacks OSS will always stay open-source, and we do love to receive postcards from wherever Stacks is used! 🌍 We also publish them on our website. And thank you, Spatie
Our address: Stacks.js, 12665 Village Ln #2306, Playa Vista, CA 90094
We would like to extend our thanks to the following sponsors for funding Stacks development. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please reach out to us.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.
Made with 💙